Hi, and welcome to our family at BoulderCrest Ranch. We live in beautiful Gardena, Idaho where we have homeschooled our 6 wonderful children-Abrie 23, Tori 21, Alex 20, Calli 17, Caleb 14, and Kaeden 12. We live on 40 acres, with a spectacular boulder view of the Boise Front/East Mountains, and plenty of space for kids and pets to run and play. We are a VERY active family and love to camp, boat, swim, ski, ride horses, hike, bike, ride 4 wheelers and show our dogs. We LOVE anything that involves being outdoors and spending time with our family and beloved pets. We also enjoy playing games and watching old classic movies as a family.
Our love of dogs is for the English Labradors and the Powderpuff Chinese Cresteds. Our Cresteds sleep on our beds and our Labs have NEVER seen a kennel. We especially love THE VERY Classic English Yellow Labradors. Our Labs have gorgeous big blocky heads, stocky bodies, thick otter tails, and teddy bear dispositions that everyone adores. Our English Labs are: Bourbon (imported from Europe), Padron, Honey, Elsa, Joy, Blondie, and Fiji (also imported from Europe). Each and everyone of them is like family and has their own loving and fun personalities. Our partnership Labs (Duke, Indy, Jager, Molly, Daisy, Lola, Lea, Polly, and Tikveh ) live amazing, wonderful lives with their families. ALL our Labs live WITH their families in their homes. We LOVE our partnership families! It helps us diversify our lines without having too many dogs of our own. Our boys weigh between around 95-115lbs, and our females are around 75-95 lbs. We LOVE the bigger, stocker Labs!
Our Labs are very active and fit, yet very lazy as well. The little kids and I enjoy riding the 4 wheeler down our country road and jogging our Labs...which they LOVE! They also have a pond they love to swim in. The kids love to hike, bike and/or ride their horses just outside our door, and their Labs LOVE to go with them. Robert loves to take them to the mill pond for their weekly swim in the hot summer, and they LOVE to go on the boat to the lake. I don't know who loves this more, the Labs or the kids! Our Labradors have brought a HUGE amount of love and joy to our family. Our lives are SO much fuller, sharing them with such sweet and loving Labs. We couldn't imagine a life without our Labradors or Powderpuffs.
We also have two house bunnies "Bugs and Dottie" a Quaker parrot "Ollie", along with our five horses: Lucy, Lilly, Copper, Dream, Padrona and a pony named Mini. Our children ride their horses/pony in Endurance- 150 miles in 3 days is not uncommon. All of our ADORED pets are part of our family and are VERY spoiled!
Abrie (23) plays piano. Abrie won the MTNA Idaho State piano competition for 2011-2012 and 2013-2014. She was Reserve Champion 2012-2013 and 2014-2015. She won the BPYO and Meridian Symphony Young Artist Competitions and will be a featured soloist with both symphonies in 2015. Abrie has won numerous piano competitions, as well as piano scholarships. Abrie LOVES music and her goal is to be a concert pianist and someday get her PHD in music and teach at a university. We have been VERY blessed with wonderful music teachers for Abrie and her brother and sisters. Abries loves her two girls Holly and Ivy. One of Ivy's favorite spots to lie is right at Abrie's feet when she is playing the piano. Sometimes Ivy likes to rest her head on Abrie's foot or the piano pedal when she is practicing. Abrie is a beautiful young lady who has dedicated her life to serving the Lord. Abrie is currently attending a private Christian College and is a great student and VERY dedicated to doing her best in everything she does.
Tori (22) Tori is a very hard worker and the very best big sister. In the past... Tori has won many piano competitions and has played viola for the JH Honor Orchestra as well as taking voice lessons. She loves riding her horse Lilly and playing with her dogs Clea, Paris, and Elsa. Whenever you find Tori, chances are she will have one of her pets with her. Tori won 2nd place in the nation and was 5 miles away from first for LD Endurance riding in 2012 with her horse Lilly, having ridden a total of 975 miles. She also spend many years dancing ballet and has a love for the arts. She is currently attending college with her older sister at a private Christian College.
Alex(20) is an avid climber and has high aspirations of competing in the 2024/2028 Olympics. Bouldering is his favorite type of climbing, he also enjoying paragliding. Alex is currently studying electrical engineering in college. He is a sophmore at The Masters University in Santa Clarita, California. Alex previously played piano, cello, and took voice lessons. He has won numerous piano awards. He played cello in the Intermediate Honor Orchestra. In 2012, he was #1 in the Nation for LD Endurance miles on his pony- Mini. Alex has the sweetest heart and LOVES to help. He is an incredible skier and can keep up with the best. He loves skiing with and helping the Ski Patrol. Not being asked, he has been known to clean my whole closet- just because. Alex is my handyman, always fixing things for me. What would I do without him!?! Alex, Tori, and Caleb retrieved honey from our hive all by themselves~ about 10 quarts! Alex also enjoys volunteering at endurance rides and dog shows. Alex is ALWAYS there to help whenever anyone needs help.
Calli (17) is a great student and a wonderful young lady. She LOVES to ski and play spike ball. She also loves to read and ride her horse "Dream. She has ridden on many 25+ miles endurance rides and also 50's. She used to be a talented pianist and ballerina, winning numerous piano competitions, and performing in the Nutcracker for 3 years. She said...."I would rather do Nutcracker, then go to Disneyworld". She ADORES her girl Lola and Joy. She cannot go to sleep unless Lola is snuggling right beside her. Calli and Tori are the very best of friends. It is SO nice to have sisters who not only love each other SO much, but love spending time with each other.
Abrie, Tori, Alex, and Calli had earned ALL their own money selling cookie mix and handmade greeting cards door to door to pay for ALL their music lessons, horses and horse expenses, and dog showing for five years from 2008-2013. They are VERY hard workers and have learned a great lesson in life. The breeding of their dogs is their new endeavor to play for their activities.
Caleb(14) and Kaeden(12) are the BEST of buddies. They are ALWAYS on the move and keep me VERY busy! Caleb LOVES to ski, and loves his Quaker parrot, Ollie, who loves to fly around the house and sit on whoever's shoulder he lands on. When we are preparing food, he likes to fly over, get a bite and fly back to his house with his treasure. Caleb LOVES to play with the puppies and bunnies, and is a great little skier! Wherever you find Caleb, you will usually find a puppy. The puppies also love to play with Caleb. They love to chase him on his little bike. Caleb's other favorite pastime is playing chess. He has become quite the little chess player.
I always call Kaeden my little puppy dog, as he follow me wherever I go. Kaeden skied for the first time in Jan 2013. He cried because I wasn't taking him skiing, then I took him and he cried because he didn't want to go skiing. Now Kaeden LOVES to ski! Kaedens favorite thing to say is, "I LOVE it!" Those two little boys are the joy and life of our family. They are SO full of life and curiosity. We ADORE the funny things they do and say, so we have a whole book of sayings. I would be SO happy if I could keep Kaeden 10 years old for the rest of his life! He always tells me that he is going to stay tiny, so that I can always hold him... I only wish. To them, gum used to be worth more than a hundred million dollars- SOOO Sweet! They are both very loving, sweet little boys and we wouldn't have them any other way!
We absolutely ADORE the times that we have puppies in our home. Life is always fuller and more exciting with puppies under foot. All our puppies are born/raised in our bedroom/living room and are VERY much loved and adored. Our dogs are health tested against genetic disorders or clear by default. We also love to show our dogs, and most are Champions or Champions in the making. Finding the perfect forever home for our puppies is one of THE MOST important aspects of our breeding. We treasure the new friends we have met, and LOVE keeping in touch with our puppy families. It really brightens our day to see pictures of our puppies growing and all their new adventures with their new families. We have a private Facebook Share page and LOVE keeping in touch! We strive to find THE BEST homes for our adored puppies!
God has blessed us with THE MOST amazing children whom we strive above all things to raise in HIS honor ~ with integrity, honesty, hard work, and humbleness. Our deep dedication to them is that they grow up to be very well adjusted Christians who love and glorify the Lord with the happiest of hearts! We are SO thankful and VERY blessed with all the Lord has given us.
If you are looking for your next furry family member or would just like to say "Hi", we would love to talk with you ~
Cheerfully in Christ,
The Church Family
All photos below where taken on our ranch
Can you spot who is passing
A lot of wild animals call BoulderCrest Ranch home, whether permanently or just passing through ~ this includes many deer~both White Tail and Mule deer~ bear, coyotes, wolves, mountain lions, marmots, and snakes of all kinds~including Bull Snakes, Garder Snakes and the Western Rattlesnake, and MANY kinds of beautiful birds~occasionally Bald Eagles and LOTS of lizards~ the kid's favorite! |
The kids LOVE to find snakes!! Good snakes that is!
Do not educate your child to be rich~
educate them to be happy, so when they grow up, they'll know
the value of things, not the price ~
Our children are so well versed in flowers, they can tell you about almost any of the wild flowers that grow in our area. Even Caleb (age 6) knows about most of our wild flowers.
Outside my window a new day I see,
And only I can determine what kind of day it will be.
It can by busy and sunny, laughing and gay,
or boring and cold, unhappy and gray.
My own state of mind is the determining key,
For I am only the person I let myself be.
I can enjoy what I do and make it seem fun,
or gripe and complain and make it hard on someone.
I can be patient with those who may not understand,
or belittle and hurt them as much as I can.
But I have faith in myself and I believe what I say,
And I personally intent to make the best of each day. ~ Unknown

Alex LOVES to climb boulders!

June 2014
We were showing our Cresteds at the Blackfoot Dog Show and while in the motor home I asked Calli...."What is your favorite thing to do?" Calli looked as if she was thinking very hard. I said, ".....Like playing?" She said "No, .....my favorite thing is to make other people happy."
Calli age 8
Our momma goat....Tilly!
My kids LOVE her!!! She has such a personality.... she LOVES to come in the house, jumps in the car and is VERY friendly. Caleb is THE BEST milker and LOVES to milk her! The kids have already made butter, cheese, cottage cheese and carmel from her milk. They usually just use the milk in their cereal. She likes to jump in the UPS trucks when they come.
We LOVE her, but our plants and trees... not so much. I guess that I can't have any plants or trees for about the next 15-20 years!
Update for 2018... we bought Buck and they had kids!!! Three of them: Rambo, Daisy and Billy
Pic below is of dad Buck (far right) as their kids Daisy (front) Billy (on rock) and Rambo (behind rock)
Calli and her pony Mini
Your children need your presence
more than your presents ~
Jesse Jackson
Just Being Happy
Just being happy
Is a fine thing to do.
Looking on the bright side
Rather than the blue.
Sad or sunny musing
Is largely the choosing,
And just being happy
Is a brave work and true.
Just being happy
Helps other souls along,
Their burdens may be heavy
And they not strong,
And your own sky will lighten
If other skies you brighten
By just being happy
With a heart full of song.
~ Home Sweet Home ~
"...But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."
Joshua 24:15
Dog's In Our Lives...
We aren't house-proud. If we were, we wouldn't abide the scratches on the door frame,
the holes in the screen, the darkened shine of worn spots on the chair.
We would wince at the mottled carpet and fret at the hair clinging to our clothes.
We don't. If anything, we lovers of dogs are a tolerant lot, finding greater value in the
unabashed affection of our friends than in the immaculate sofas.
Shoes can be replaced, but heroic retrievers are timeless.
Without dogs, our houses are cold receptacles for things. Dogs make a fire warmer with their curled presence.
They wake us, greet us, protect us and ultimately carve a place in our hearts and our history.
On reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.
by Paul Fersen
Alex made me a beautiful wreath for Christmas 2013!
Abrie ~ Idaho State Piano Champion
2013-2014 and 2015-2016
MTNA (Music Teachers National Association) Piano Competition

"If you determine to have determination, then nothing will deter you"
Abrie- age 12

Abrie ~ Idaho State Champion MTNA Piano Competition 2011-2012
Reserve Champion 2012-2013
1st place 2013-2014
Honorable Mention MTNA Regional Piano Competiton- January 2014
1st place Piano Level 15 (highest level) IMTA Sonitina/Sonata Festival Nov. 2013
Beautiful music is the art of the prophet that can calm the agitations of the soul;
it is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us.~
Martin Luther

"Praise the LORD with the harp; make music to him on the ten-stringed lyre. Sing Him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy."
Psalm 33:2-3
Tori performing at the MTNA State Piano Competition
November 2013
~ Even the richest child
is poor without music ~
is poor without music ~